FAQ for Rowers
In order to row in the Royal St. John’s Regatta, you must have a team of six (6) regular oars persons, and a certified Coxswain. Most teams have a sponsor to provide financial support as well. Having a spare would be ideal in case someone cannot make a practice or in case anything goes wrong on Regatta Day, but is not required. A coach or manager would also be ideal, but is not required.
Please see Getting Started for more information on how to start a new rowing team. There are many ways to get involved with fixed-seat rowing. The best way would be to contact our Technical Coordinator at the boathouse, who will be organizing our Learn To Row Programs and will be putting together crews throughout the summer. We also have a Facebook page and bulletin boards at the boathouse which many people use to look for crews, rowers, coxswains, etc.
The Chevron Learn to Row (CLTR) program is a free program offered by the Royal St. John’s Regatta Committee to teach newcomers the sport of fixed-seat rowing. Please visit the Getting Started page for more information.
The June Day Races are a practice regatta held toward the end of June. For new and experienced crews, it is a chance to experience a race scenario before Time Trials and Regatta Day. Please visit the June Day Races page for more information.
The purpose of the Time Trials is to determine the make-up of each Regatta Day race based upon the times rowed by the crews participating in the Time Trial heats. For each Regatta Day race, the team with the fastest time will be assigned Stake 1, the second fastest assigned Stake 2, and so on until the slowest team is assigned Stake 5. For more information visit the Time Trials page.
In 2015, we implemented an online booking system.
If you cannot find a Coxswain, a Technical Coordinator may be available to take you out for practice until you can find one, should we have one in place. They may also be able to help your crew find a Coxswain.
To become a Coxswain, an individual must be nineteen (19) years of age as of December 31 of any year in which the rowing event is held. They must then participate in the Learn to Coxswain program, offered multiple times each season.
Any oars person, rower or spare, is only permitted to register and row with one (1) crew.
In order for any crew to use our facilities and utilize the Veribook system, they must have their registration, waivers, Vulnerable Sector Screening (if applicable) and fees submitted (via EMT – [email protected]) prior to booking a spin.