Online Booking
Online booking is available to registered crews that have completed all documentation required. Once registered and all documentation is received you will be given access to Veribook, our online booking portal.
- Booking times 12:30pm
– Friday: Book for Monday & Tuesday
– Monday: Book for Wednesday & Thursday
– Wednesday: Book for Friday & Saturday - One person per crew allowed to book spins per booking day.
- Crews can only book one spin on Saturday.
- Book one spin per day during the initial booking system opens
- Crews can only book one spin per day on the day the booking system opens for that day.
- If there are spin times available at 3:00 pm on the day the spin times open, crews can book one additional spin time per booking day.
Please note: It is not possible to restrict how many bookings are made. The current rule of only one morning and only one evening practice per crew per day still stands. If a crew does double book in the morning or evening they will be first given a warning, with subsequent infractions leading to increasing penalties of the number of days that their account will be locked. If this rule continues to be abused we will have to return to the telephone system.
For Example:
On Friday, crews can book one spin for Monday and one spin for Tuesday. At 3:00pm on Friday, if there are spins available for Monday and Tuesday, crews can book a second spin for Monday and Tuesday.
On Monday, crews can book one spin for Wednesday and one spin for Thursday. At 3:00 pm on Monday, if there are spins available for Wednesday and Thursday, crews can book a second spin for Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday, crews can book one spin for Friday and one spin for Saturday. At 3:00 pm on Wednesday, if there are spins available for Friday, crews can book a second spin for Friday.
Crews can only book one spin on Saturday.
The booking system will be monitored. If crews are not following the spin booking rules accordingly, the Regatta Committee has the right to cancel a crew’s spin time. Should crews not follow the booking rules, additional booking penalties will occur.
If you have questions or would like clarification, please reach out via email to [email protected]
Spin times will be 45 minutes in length for the 2024 Rowing Season. If required, spin length times and spin start/end times will be adjusted based on operational demands.
The start time for the First Spin of the Day will be modified accordingly throughout the season based on sunrise for rower safety and provide staff adequate time to safely bring a safety boat to the wharf.
The end time for the Last Spin of the Day will be modified accordingly throughout the season based on sunset. Crews are to respect the end spin time for rower safety and to ensure staff have adequate time to moor the safety boat.